
Components.update_rlc_from_bom(bom_file, delimiter=';', valuefield='Func des', comptype='Prod name', refdes='Pos / Place')[source]#

Update the EDC core component values (RLCs) with values coming from a BOM file.


Full path to the BOM file, which is a delimited text file. Header values needed inside the BOM reader must be explicitly set if different from the defaults.

delimiterstr, optional

Value to use for the delimiter. The default is ";".

valuefieldstr, optional

Field header containing the value of the component. The default is "Func des". The value for this parameter must being with the value of the component followed by a space and then the rest of the value. For example, "22pF".

comptypestr, optional

Field header containing the type of component. The default is "Prod name". For example, you might enter "Inductor".

refdesstr, optional

Field header containing the reference designator of the component. The default is "Pos / Place". For example, you might enter "C100".


True if the file contains the header and it is correctly parsed. True is returned even if no values are assigned.