- class pyedb.dotnet.edb_core.edb_data.padstacks_data.EDBPadstackInstance(edb_padstackinstance, _pedb)[source]#
Manages EDB functionalities for a padstack.
- Parameters:
- edb_padstackinstance
- _pedb
Inherited AEDT object.
>>> from pyedb import Edb >>> edb = Edb(myedb, edbversion="2021.2") >>> edb_padstack_instance = edb.padstacks.instances[0]
([name, ...])Create a coax port.
([name, ...])Create a port on the padstack.
Create a rectangle inscribed inside a padstack instance pad.
Create a padstack instance terminal
Delete this primitive.
Produce a list of all geometries physically connected to a given layout object.
Get connected objects.
Search for reference pins using given criteria.
([name, ...])Get PadstackInstanceTerminal object.
(polygon_data)Check if padstack Instance is in given polygon data.
([net_name, ...])Check if this padstack instance is in any void.
Parametrize the instance position.
Set backdrill from bottom.
(...[, ...])Set backdrill from top.
Retrieve the pin name that is shown in AEDT.
Backdrill layer from bottom.
Backdrill layer from top.
Get bounding box of the padstack instance.
Get component pin.
Check whether dcir equipotential region is enabled.
Primitive ID.
Flag indicating if this object is null.
Determines whether this padstack instance is a layout pin.
Either if the primitive is a void or not.
Get the primitive edb layer object.
Get the primitive layer name.
List of all layers to which the padstack instance belongs.
Lower elevation of the placement layer.
Metal volume of the via hole instance in cubic units (m3).
Padstack Instance Name.
Net Object.
Net name.
Return Ansys.Ansoft.Edb.LayoutInstance.LayoutObjInstance object.
Padstack definition.
EDB padstack object.
Get pin number.
Pin groups that the pin belongs to.
Placement layer.
Padstack instance position.
Return the type of the primitive.
Padstack instance rotation.
Starting layer.
Stopping layer.
Top/bottom association of the placement layer.
Return the type of the primitive.
Upper elevation of the placement layer.