
Modeler.create_polygon(main_shape, layer_name, voids=[], net_name='')[source]#

Create a polygon based on a list of points and voids.

main_shapelist of points or PolygonData or modeler.Shape

Shape or point lists of the main object. Point list can be in the format of [[x1,y1], [x2,y2],..,[xn,yn]]. Each point can be: - [x, y] coordinate - [x, y, height] for an arc with specific height (between previous point and actual point) - [x, y, rotation, xc, yc] for an arc given a point, rotation and center.


Name of the layer on which to create the polygon.

voidslist, optional

List of shape objects for voids or points that creates the shapes. The default is``[]``.

net_namestr, optional

Name of the net. The default is "".

bool, dotnet.edb_core.edb_data.primitives.EDBPrimitives

Polygon when successful, False when failed.