# # EDB: Layout Components # # This example shows how you can use EDB to create a parametric component using # 3D Layout and use it in HFSS 3D. # ## Perform required imports # # Perform required imports, which includes importing the ``Hfss3dlayout`` object # and initializing it on version 2023 R2. # + import os import tempfile import pyaedt import pyedb # - # ## Set non-graphical mode non_graphical = False # ## Create data classes # # Data classes are useful to do calculations and store variables. # There are three data classes: ``Patch``, ``Line``, and ``Array``. # + class Patch: def __init__(self, width=0.0, height=0.0, position=0.0): self.width = width self.height = height self.position = position @property def points(self): return [ [self.position, "-{}/2".format(self.height)], ["{} + {}".format(self.position, self.width), "-{}/2".format(self.height)], ["{} + {}".format(self.position, self.width), "{}/2".format(self.height)], [self.position, "{}/2".format(self.height)], ] class Line: def __init__(self, length=0.0, width=0.0, position=0.0): self.length = length self.width = width self.position = position @property def points(self): return [ [self.position, "-{}/2".format(self.width)], ["{} + {}".format(self.position, self.length), "-{}/2".format(self.width)], ["{} + {}".format(self.position, self.length), "{}/2".format(self.width)], [self.position, "{}/2".format(self.width)], ] class LinearArray: def __init__(self, nb_patch=1, array_length=10e-3, array_width=5e-3): self.nbpatch = nb_patch self.length = array_length self.width = array_width @property def points(self): return [ [-1e-3, "-{}/2-1e-3".format(self.width)], ["{}+1e-3".format(self.length), "-{}/2-1e-3".format(self.width)], ["{}+1e-3".format(self.length), "{}/2+1e-3".format(self.width)], [-1e-3, "{}/2+1e-3".format(self.width)], ] # - # ## Launch EDB # # PyEDB.Edb allows to open existing Edb project or create a new empty project. # + temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys") aedb_path = os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "linear_array.aedb") # Select EDB version (change it manually if needed, e.g. "2024.1") edb_version = "2024.1" print(f"EDB version: {edb_version}") # Create an instance of the Edb class. edb = pyedb.Edb(edbpath=aedb_path, edbversion=edb_version) # - # Add stackup layers layers = { "materials": {"copper_high_cond": {"conductivity": 60000000}}, "layers": { "TOP": {"type": "signal", "thicness": "35um", "material": "copper_high_cond"}, "Substrat": {"type": "dielectric", "thicness": "0.5mm", "material": "Duroid (tm)"}, "GND": {"type": "signal", "thicness": "35um", "material": "copper"}, "Gap": {"type": "dielectric", "thicness": "0.05mm", "material": "Air"}, "Virt_GND": {"type": "signal", "thicness": "35um", "material": "copper"}, }, } edb.stackup.load(layers) # Create the first patch and feed line using the ``Patch``, ``Line``classes defined above. # # Define parameters: # + edb["w1"] = 1.4e-3 edb["h1"] = 1.2e-3 edb["initial_position"] = 0.0 edb["l1"] = 2.4e-3 edb["trace_w"] = 0.3e-3 first_patch = Patch(width="w1", height="h1", position="initial_position") edb.modeler.create_polygon(first_patch.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna") # - # First line first_line = Line(length="l1", width="trace_w", position=first_patch.width) edb.modeler.create_polygon(first_line.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna") # Now use the ``LinearArray`` class to create the array. # + edb["w2"] = 2.29e-3 edb["h2"] = 3.3e-3 edb["l2"] = 1.9e-3 edb["trace_w2"] = 0.2e-3 patch = Patch(width="w2", height="h2") line = Line(length="l2", width="trace_w2") linear_array = LinearArray(nb_patch=8, array_width=patch.height) current_patch = 1 current_position = "{} + {}".format(first_line.position, first_line.length) while current_patch <= linear_array.nbpatch: patch.position = current_position edb.modeler.create_polygon(patch.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna") current_position = "{} + {}".format(current_position, patch.width) if current_patch < linear_array.nbpatch: line.position = current_position edb.modeler.create_polygon(line.points, "TOP", net_name="Array_antenna") current_position = "{} + {}".format(current_position, line.length) current_patch += 1 linear_array.length = current_position # - # Add the ground conductor. edb.modeler.create_polygon(linear_array.points, "GND", net_name="GND") # Add the connector pin to use to assign the port. edb.padstacks.create(padstackname="Connector_pin", holediam="100um", paddiam="0", antipaddiam="200um") con_pin = edb.padstacks.place( ["{}/4.0".format(first_patch.width), 0], "Connector_pin", net_name="Array_antenna", fromlayer="TOP", tolayer="GND", via_name="coax", ) # Add a connector ground. edb.modeler.create_polygon(first_patch.points, "Virt_GND", net_name="GND") edb.padstacks.create("gnd_via", "100um", "0", "0") edb["via_spacing"] = 0.2e-3 con_ref1 = edb.padstacks.place( [ "{} + {}".format(first_patch.points[0][0], "via_spacing"), "{} + {}".format(first_patch.points[0][1], "via_spacing"), ], "gnd_via", fromlayer="GND", tolayer="Virt_GND", net_name="GND", ) con_ref2 = edb.padstacks.place( [ "{} + {}".format(first_patch.points[1][0], "-via_spacing"), "{} + {}".format(first_patch.points[1][1], "via_spacing"), ], "gnd_via", fromlayer="GND", tolayer="Virt_GND", net_name="GND", ) con_ref3 = edb.padstacks.place( [ "{} + {}".format(first_patch.points[2][0], "-via_spacing"), "{} + {}".format(first_patch.points[2][1], "-via_spacing"), ], "gnd_via", fromlayer="GND", tolayer="Virt_GND", net_name="GND", ) con_ref4 = edb.padstacks.place( [ "{} + {}".format(first_patch.points[3][0], "via_spacing"), "{} + {}".format(first_patch.points[3][1], "-via_spacing"), ], "gnd_via", fromlayer="GND", tolayer="Virt_GND", net_name="GND", ) # Define the port. edb.padstacks.set_solderball(con_pin, "Virt_GND", isTopPlaced=False, ballDiam=0.1e-3) port_name = edb.padstacks.create_coax_port(con_pin) # Display the model using the ``Edb.nets.plot()`` method. edb.nets.plot() # The EDB is complete. Now close the EDB and import it into HFSS as a "Layout Component". edb.save_edb() edb.close_edb() print("EDB saved correctly to {}. You can import in AEDT.".format(aedb_path)) # ## 3D component in HFSS # # First create an instance of the ``pyaedt.Hfss`` class. If you set # > ``non_graphical = False # # then AEDT user interface will be visible after the following cell is executed. # It is now possible to monitor the progress in the UI as each of the following cells is executed. # All commands can be run without the UI by changing the value of ``non_graphical``. h3d = pyaedt.Hfss( projectname="Demo_3DComp", designname="Linear_Array", specified_version="2024.1", new_desktop_session=True, non_graphical=non_graphical, close_on_exit=True, solution_type="Terminal", ) # Set units to ``mm``. h3d.modeler.model_units = "mm" # ## Import the EDB as a 3D component # # One or more layout components can be imported into HFSS. # The combination of layout data and 3D CAD data helps streamline model creation and setup. component = h3d.modeler.insert_layout_component(aedb_path, parameter_mapping=True) # ## Expose the component parameters # # If a layout component is parametric, you can expose and change parameters in HFSS # + component.parameters w1_name = "{}_{}".format("w1", h3d.modeler.user_defined_component_names[0]) h3d[w1_name] = 0.0015 # - # ### Radiation Boundary Assignment # # The 3D domain includes the air volume surrounding the antenna. # This antenna will be simulted from 20 GHz - 50 GHz. # # A "radiation boundary" will be assigned to the outer boundaries of the domain. # This boundary should be roughly one quarter wavelength away from the radiating structure: # # $$ \lambda/4 = \frac{c_0}{4 f} \approx 2.8mm $$ # + h3d.modeler.fit_all() h3d.modeler.create_air_region(2.8, 2.8, 2.8, 2.8, 2.8, 2.8, is_percentage=False) h3d.assign_radiation_boundary_to_objects("Region") # - # ### Set up analysis # # The finite element mesh is adapted iteratively. # The maximum number of adaptive passes is set using the ``MaximumPasses`` property. # This model converges such that the $S_{11}$ is independent of the mesh. # The default accuracy setting is: # $$ \max(|\Delta S|) < 0.02 $$ setup = h3d.create_setup() setup.props["Frequency"] = "20GHz" setup.props["MaximumPasses"] = 10 # Specify properties of the frequency sweep: sweep1 = setup.add_sweep(sweepname="20GHz_to_50GHz") sweep1.props["RangeStart"] = "20GHz" sweep1.props["RangeEnd"] = "50GHz" sweep1.update() # Solve the project h3d.analyze() # ## Plot results outside AEDT # # Plot results using Matplotlib. trace = h3d.get_traces_for_plot() solution = h3d.post.get_solution_data(trace[0]) solution.plot() # ## Plot far fields in AEDT # # Plot radiation patterns in AEDT. # + variations = {} variations["Freq"] = ["20GHz"] variations["Theta"] = ["All"] variations["Phi"] = ["All"] h3d.insert_infinite_sphere(name="3D") new_report = h3d.post.reports_by_category.far_field("db(RealizedGainTotal)", h3d.nominal_adaptive, "3D") new_report.variations = variations new_report.primary_sweep = "Theta" new_report.create("Realized2D") # - # ## Plot far fields in AEDT # # Plot radiation patterns in AEDT new_report.report_type = "3D Polar Plot" new_report.secondary_sweep = "Phi" new_report.create("Realized3D") # ## Plot far fields outside AEDT # # Plot radiation patterns outside AEDT solutions_custom = new_report.get_solution_data() solutions_custom.plot_3d() # ## Plot E Field on nets and layers # # Plot E Field on nets and layers in AEDT h3d.post.create_fieldplot_layers_nets( [["TOP", "Array_antenna"]], "Mag_E", intrinsics={"Freq": "20GHz", "Phase": "0deg"}, plot_name="E_Layers", ) # ## Close AEDT # # After the simulation completes, the application can be released from the # :func:`pyaedt.Desktop.release_desktop` method. # All methods provide for saving the project before closing AEDT. h3d.save_project(os.path.join(temp_dir.name, "test_layout.aedt")) h3d.release_desktop() # ### Clean up the temporary directory # # The following command removes the project and the temporary directory. # If you'd like to save this project, save it to a folder of your choice prior # to running the following cell. temp_dir.cleanup()