Set up simulations

.. grid:: 2

   .. grid-item-card:: Set up a SIwave analysis
            :link: add_siwave_analysis
            :link-type: doc

            Learn how to create and set up a SIwave SWZ analysis.

   .. grid-item-card:: Set up an HFSS simulation
            :link: define_hfss_simulation_setup
            :link-type: doc
            :margin: 2 2 0 0

            Learn how to create and set up an HFSS simulation.

   .. grid-item-card:: Define an HFSS extent
            :link: define_hfss_extent
            :link-type: doc
            :margin: 2 2 0 0

            Learn how to define an HFSS extent.

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
