.. _cutout_example: Clip a design ============= Most of the time, only a specific part of a layout needs to be simulated. Thus, you want to clip the design to reduce computer resources and speed up the simulation. This page shows how to clip a design based on net selection. .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary .. code:: python from pyedb import Edb from pyedb.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_folder_name import pyedb.misc.downloads as downloads # Ansys release version ansys_version = "2024.2" # download and copy the layout file from examples temp_folder = generate_unique_folder_name() targetfile = downloads.download_file("edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb", destination=temp_folder) # load EDB edbapp = Edb(edbpath=targetfile, edbversion="2024.2") # select signal nets to evaluate the extent for clipping the layout signal_nets = [ "DDR4_DQ0", "DDR4_DQ1", "DDR4_DQ2", "DDR4_DQ3", "DDR4_DQ4", "DDR4_DQ5", "DDR4_DQ6", "DDR4_DQ7", ] # At least one reference net must be included. Reference nets are included in the design but clipped. reference_nets = ["GND"] # Define the expansion factor, which gives the distance for evaluating the cutout extent. This code defines a cutout. expansion = 0.01 # 1cm in this case # process cutout edbapp.cutout( signal_list=signal_nets, reference_list=reference_nets, expansion_size=expansion ) # save and close project edbapp.save_edb() edbapp.close_edb() .. image:: ../../resources/clipped_layout.png :width: 800 :alt: Clipped design