# # Set up EDB for PCB DC IR Analysis # This example shows how to set up the electronics database (EDB) for DC IR analysis from a single # configuration file. # ## Import the required packages # + import json import os import tempfile from ansys.aedt.core import Hfss3dLayout, Icepak from ansys.aedt.core.downloads import download_file from pyedb import Edb AEDT_VERSION = "2024.2" NG_MODE = False # - # Download the example PCB data. temp_folder = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys") file_edb = download_file(source="edb/ANSYS-HSD_V1.aedb", destination=temp_folder.name) # ## Load example layout edbapp = Edb(file_edb, edbversion=AEDT_VERSION) # ## Create an empty dictionary to host all configurations cfg = dict() cfg["sources"] = [] # ## Update stackup cfg["stackup"] = { "layers": [ {"name": "Top", "type": "signal", "material": "copper", "fill_material": "FR4_epoxy", "thickness": "0.035mm"}, {"name": "DE1", "type": "dielectric", "material": "FR4_epoxy", "fill_material": "", "thickness": "0.1mm"}, { "name": "Inner1", "type": "signal", "material": "copper", "fill_material": "FR4_epoxy", "thickness": "0.017mm", }, {"name": "DE2", "type": "dielectric", "material": "FR4_epoxy", "fill_material": "", "thickness": "0.088mm"}, { "name": "Inner2", "type": "signal", "material": "copper", "fill_material": "FR4_epoxy", "thickness": "0.017mm", }, {"name": "DE3", "type": "dielectric", "material": "FR4_epoxy", "fill_material": "", "thickness": "0.1mm"}, { "name": "Inner3", "type": "signal", "material": "copper", "fill_material": "FR4_epoxy", "thickness": "0.017mm", }, { "name": "FR4_epoxy-1mm", "type": "dielectric", "material": "FR4_epoxy", "fill_material": "", "thickness": "1mm", }, { "name": "Inner4", "type": "signal", "material": "copper", "fill_material": "FR4_epoxy", "thickness": "0.017mm", }, {"name": "DE5", "type": "dielectric", "material": "FR4_epoxy", "fill_material": "", "thickness": "0.1mm"}, { "name": "Inner5", "type": "signal", "material": "copper", "fill_material": "FR4_epoxy", "thickness": "0.017mm", }, {"name": "DE6", "type": "dielectric", "material": "FR4_epoxy", "fill_material": "", "thickness": "0.088mm"}, { "name": "Inner6", "type": "signal", "material": "copper", "fill_material": "FR4_epoxy", "thickness": "0.017mm", }, {"name": "DE7", "type": "dielectric", "material": "FR4_epoxy", "fill_material": "", "thickness": "0.1mm"}, { "name": "Bottom", "type": "signal", "material": "copper", "fill_material": "FR4_epoxy", "thickness": "0.035mm", }, ] } # ## Define voltage source cfg["sources"].append( { "name": "vrm", "reference_designator": "U2", "type": "voltage", "magnitude": 1, "positive_terminal": {"net": "1V0"}, "negative_terminal": {"net": "GND"}, } ) # ## Define current source cfg["sources"].append( { "name": "U1_1V0", "reference_designator": "U1", "type": "current", "magnitude": 10, "positive_terminal": {"net": "1V0"}, "negative_terminal": {"net": "GND"}, } ) # ## Define SIwave DC IR analysis setup cfg["setups"] = [ { "name": "siwave_1", "type": "siwave_dc", "dc_slider_position": 1, "dc_ir_settings": {"export_dc_thermal_data": True}, } ] # ## Define Cutout cfg["operations"] = { "cutout": {"signal_list": ["1V0"], "reference_list": ["GND"], "extent_type": "ConvexHull", "expansion_size": "20mm"} } # ## Define package for thermal analysis (optional) cfg["package_definitions"] = [ { "name": "package_1", "component_definition": "ALTR-FBGA1517-Ansys", "maximum_power": 0.5, "therm_cond": 2, "theta_jb": 3, "theta_jc": 4, "height": "1mm", "apply_to_all": False, "components": ["U1"], }, ] # ## Write configuration into a JSON file file_json = os.path.join(temp_folder.name, "edb_configuration.json") with open(file_json, "w") as f: json.dump(cfg, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) # ## Import configuration into example layout edbapp.configuration.load(config_file=file_json) # Apply configuration to EDB. edbapp.configuration.run() # Save and close EDB. edbapp.save() edbapp.close() # The configured EDB file is saved in a temp folder. print(temp_folder.name) # ## Load edb into HFSS 3D Layout. h3d = Hfss3dLayout(edbapp.edbpath, version=AEDT_VERSION, non_graphical=NG_MODE, new_desktop=True) # ## Prepare for electro-thermal analysis in Icepak (Optional) h3d.modeler.set_temperature_dependence(include_temperature_dependence=True, enable_feedback=True, ambient_temp=22) # ## Analyze h3d.analyze() # ## Plot DC voltage voltage = h3d.post.create_fieldplot_layers_nets( layers_nets=[ ["Inner2", "1V0"], ], quantity="Voltage", setup="siwave_1", ) file_path_image = os.path.join(temp_folder.name, "voltage.jpg") voltage.export_image( full_path=file_path_image, width=640, height=480, orientation="isometric", display_wireframe=True, selections=None, show_region=True, show_axis=True, show_grid=True, show_ruler=True, ) # ## Plot power density power_density = h3d.post.create_fieldplot_layers_nets( layers_nets=[ ["Inner2", "no-net"], ], quantity="Power Density", setup="siwave_1", ) file_path_image = os.path.join(temp_folder.name, "power_density.jpg") power_density.export_image( full_path=file_path_image, width=640, height=480, orientation="isometric", display_wireframe=True, selections=None, show_region=True, show_axis=True, show_grid=True, show_ruler=True, ) # ## Save HFSS 3D Layout project h3d.save_project() # ## Create an Icepak design ipk = Icepak(version=AEDT_VERSION, non_graphical=NG_MODE, new_desktop=False) # ## Create PCB pcb = ipk.create_ipk_3dcomponent_pcb( compName="PCB_pyAEDT", setupLinkInfo=[h3d.project_file, h3d.design_name, "siwave_1", True, True], solutionFreq=None, resolution=0, extent_type="Bounding Box", powerin="0", ) # ## Include pckage definition from Edb pcb.included_parts = "Device" # ## Adjust air region region = ipk.modeler["Region"] faces = [f.id for f in region.faces] ipk.assign_pressure_free_opening(assignment=faces, boundary_name="Outlet") # ## Setup mesh glob_msh = ipk.mesh.global_mesh_region glob_msh.global_region.positive_z_padding_type = "Absolute Offset" glob_msh.global_region.positive_z_padding = "50 mm" glob_msh.global_region.negative_z_padding_type = "Absolute Offset" glob_msh.global_region.negative_z_padding = "80 mm" glob_msh = ipk.mesh.global_mesh_region glob_msh.manual_settings = True glob_msh.settings["EnableMLM"] = True glob_msh.settings["EnforeMLMType"] = "2D" glob_msh.settings["2DMLMType"] = "Auto" glob_msh.settings["MaxElementSizeY"] = "2mm" glob_msh.settings["MaxElementSizeX"] = "2mm" glob_msh.settings["MaxElementSizeZ"] = "3mm" glob_msh.settings["MaxLevels"] = "2" glob_msh.update() # ## Place monitor cpu = ipk.modeler["PCB_pyAEDT_U1_device"] m1 = ipk.monitor.assign_face_monitor( face_id=cpu.top_face_z.id, monitor_quantity="Temperature", monitor_name="TemperatureMonitor1", ) # ## Create Icepak setup setup1 = ipk.create_setup(MaxIterations=10) # Add 2-way coupling to the setup ipk.assign_2way_coupling(number_of_iterations=1) # ## Save ipk.save_project() # ## Shut Down Electronics Desktop ipk.release_desktop() # All project files are saved in the folder ``temp_file.dir``. If you've run this example as a Jupyter notebook you # can retrieve those project files.