
Stackup.place_a3dcomp_3d_placement(a3dcomp_path, angle=0.0, offset_x=0.0, offset_y=0.0, offset_z=0.0, place_on_top=True)[source]#
Place a 3D Component into current layout.

3D Component ports are not visible via EDB. They will be visible after the EDB has been opened in Ansys Electronics Desktop as a project.


Path to the 3D Component file (*.a3dcomp) to place.

angledouble, optional

Clockwise rotation angle applied to the a3dcomp.

offset_xdouble, optional

The x offset value. The default value is 0.0.

offset_ydouble, optional

The y offset value. The default value is 0.0.

offset_zdouble, optional

The z offset value. (i.e. elevation) The default value is 0.0.

place_on_topbool, optional

Whether to place the 3D Component on the top or the bottom of this layout. If False then the 3D Component will also be flipped over around its X axis.


True if successful and False if not.


>>> edb1 = Edb(edbpath=targetfile1,  edbversion="2021.2")
>>> a3dcomp_path = "connector.a3dcomp"
>>> edb1.stackup.place_a3dcomp_3d_placement(a3dcomp_path, angle=0.0, offset_x="1mm",
...                                   offset_y="2mm", flipped_stackup=False, place_on_top=True,
...                                   )