
LayoutValidation.disjoint_nets(net_list=None, keep_only_main_net=False, clean_disjoints_less_than=0.0, order_by_area=False, keep_disjoint_pins=False)#

Find and fix disjoint nets from a given netlist.

net_liststr, list, optional

List of nets on which check disjoints. If None is provided then the algorithm will loop on all nets.

keep_only_main_netbool, optional

Remove all secondary nets other than principal one (the one with more objects in it). Default is False.

clean_disjoints_less_thanbool, optional

Clean all disjoint nets with area less than specified area in square meters. Default is 0.0 to disable it.

order_by_areabool, optional

Whether if the naming order has to be by number of objects (fastest) or area (slowest but more accurate). Default is False.

keep_disjoint_pinsbool, optional

Whether if delete disjoints pins not connected to any other primitive or not. Default is False.


New nets created.


>>> renamed_nets = edb.layout_validation.disjoint_nets(["GND","Net2"])