- Modeler.get_polygon_points(polygon)#
Retrieve polygon points.
For arcs, one point is returned.
- Parameters:
- polygon
class: dotnet.database.edb_data.primitives_data.Primitive
- Returns:
- List of tuples. Each tuple provides x, y point coordinate. If the length of two consecutives tuples
from the list equals 2, a segment is defined. The first tuple defines the starting point while the second tuple the ending one. If the length of one tuple equals one, that means a polyline is defined and the value is giving the arc height. Therefore to polyline is defined as starting point for the tuple before in the list, the current one the arc height and the tuple after the polyline ending point.
>>> poly = database.modeler.get_polygons_by_layer("GND") >>> points = database.modeler.get_polygon_points(poly[0])